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"To Do the Impossible". Projects' Presentations

26.11.2019 00:54


Projects' Presentations

What does impossible mean? Is anything really impossible?

Do you have an ambition you truly believe you can achieve? Do you think others don't share your belief? Don't allow yourself to be burdened by the disbelief of others. One of the greatest pleasures in life is achieving something that others don't think you can do. By cultivating the right attitude, making a plan, and following through, you can achieve the impossible! If you're tenacious and empowered, you will succeed, no matter the outcome.

Well, as for me, I would like to try bungee jumping. I think it's one of the scariest sports that exist nowadays but it would be nice to jump out of a bridge or from the edge of a mountain. So, yeah, bungee jumping would be cool...

On the other hand...


DATES: November 27, Wednesday / 28, Thursday

TIME: 3:45 p.m. / 5 p.m.

GROUPS: A-2(2) / A-2(3)




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Projects' Presentations
What does impossible really mean? Is anything really impossible?
Do you have an ambition you truly believe you can achieve? Do you think others don't share your belief? Don't allow yourself to be burdened by the disbelief of others. One of the greatest pleasures in life is achieving something that others don't think you can do. By cultivating the right attitude, making a plan, and following through, you can achieve the impossible! If you're tenacious and empowered, you will succeed, no matter the outcome.
Well, as for me, I would like to try bungee jumping. I think it's one of the scariest sports that exist nowadays but it would be nice to jump out of a bridge or from the edge of a mountain. So, yeah, bungee jumping would be cool...
On the other hand...
DATES: November 27, Wednesday / 28, Thursday
TIME: 3:45 p.m. / 5 p.m.
GROUPS: A-2(2) / A-2(3)