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"Animals & My Favourite One". Projects' Presentation

05.11.2019 23:13


Projects' Presentation

The world of animals is very diverse. There are a lot of animals on our planet. They can be wild and domestic. Wild animals are those ones which live in nature without people. Wolves, foxes, giraffes are wild animals. Domestic animals live with people. We also call some of them “pets”: cats, dogs, guinea pigs and others.
People divide animals into four groups – reptiles, birds, insects and mammals. 
Mammals are animals which feed their babies with milk. Dogs, kangaroos, zebras, dolphins are mammals.
Insects are small creatures with six legs and usually two pairs of wings. Butterflies and ladybirds are insects. 
Reptiles are animals without wings but they lay eggs. Some reptiles are very dangerous. For example, crocodiles, lizards, frogs and snakes. 
Birds are animals with feathers, two wings and two legs. They also lay eggs but most of them can fly like swans or eagles.
As for me, my favourite animal is...
The world of animals is very diverse. There are a lot of animals on our planet. They can be wild and domestic. Wild animals are those ones which live in nature without people. Wolves, foxes, giraffes are wild animals. Domestic animals live with people. We also call some of them “pets”: cats, dogs, guinea pigs and others.
People divide animals into four groups – reptiles, birds, insects and mammals. 
Mammals are animals which feed their babies with milk. Dogs, kangaroos, zebras, dolphins are mammals.
Insects are small creatures with six legs and usually two pairs of wings. Butterflies and ladybirds are insects. 
Reptiles are animals without wings but they lay eggs. Some reptiles are very dangerous. For example, crocodiles, lizards, frogs and snakes. 
Birds are animals with feathers, two wings and two legs. They also lay eggs but most of them can fly like swans or eagles.
As for me, my favourite animal is...


DATE: November 6, Wednesday

TIME: 2:30 p.m. 

GROUP: B-0(1) 



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