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“Travel. In the Future” Projects’ presentation

12.11.2018 00:04


Projects’ Presentation

"Thinking about how we might be travelling in 10, 20 or even 500 years is enough to make the mind melt.

Will we still even be using planes (perhaps we'll be flying our cars from Moscow to London)? What if in 100 years we could teleport straight to our next holiday destination? And what does the future hold for travel? Check-in by robot? Budget space flights? Virtual holidays?

The travellers of tomorrow will demand higher levels of control, comfort, security and personalisation from the travel experience, and the growing sophistication of Information Technology will underpin travel providers’ ability to deliver to these expectations, transforming the customer experience from booking to baggage collection…" 

DATE: November 13, Tuesday

TIME: 6:30 p.m.

GROUP: A-3 (1)