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"Musical Instruments Across the Continents".  Приглашаем на презентацию проектов. 

24.11.2015 00:23
"Musical Instruments Across the Continents" 
Приглашаем на открытую презентацию проектов. 

Though many of us may hear music where others hear noise, it cannot be denied that music plays an integral role in our everyday life. Music is the backdrop of many of our favorite films; most Saturday morning cartoons use classical composers like Bach and Beethoven to provide its storyline with highly effective dramatic elements. Just as mothers sing sweet melodies to their children to lull them to sleep, sporting events use loud, high-energy music to excite and invigorate spectators.

But what I consider music may not be your favorite choice of song. Just as musical tastes within cultures and across continents vary, so do the instruments used to make some of today's most popular musical arrangements.

In the West, some of the first instruments that might come to mind are the guitar, keyboard, drums...solidified in the minds of Westerners after the birth of jazz and rock and roll. But explore a bit further, and one would easily be surprised about the breadth and scope of instruments used to produce music.

Here are a few exotic instruments from around the world that are growing in popularity. They are worth your consideration, due to each instrument's innovative structure and uniqueness of sound. And who knows, one day one of these instruments might show up at a local festival or concert hall...

Презентация состоится в общем холле школы в пятницу, 27 ноября, в 19:30. 
Группа B-3 (1).
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