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The History of London. England. Projects’ Presentation

10.05.2017 23:24

The History of London, England

Projects’ Presentation

London was founded by the Romans about 50 AD. Its name is derived from the Celtic word Londinios, which means the place of the bold one. After they invaded Britain in 43 AD the Romans built a bridge across the Thames. They later decided it was an excellent place to built a port. The water was deep enough for ocean going ships but it was far enough inland to be safe from Germanic raiders. Around 50 AD Roman merchants built a town by the bridge. So London was born. There was not a stone wall around the early settlement but there may have been a ditch and an earth rampart with a wooden palisade on top. Then in 61 AD Queen Boudicca led a rebellion against the Romans. Her army marched on London. No attempt was made to defend London…

In May, on Friday 12, at 6 pm

Group A-3

You are welcome!