"Unusual Ways To Get To School"
Projects' presentation
While some children try to skip classes to spend time on the beach, other children have to overcome dangerous obstacles to be at school on time. Like these pupils and their parents from small Indonesian village Levak have to use very dangerous bridge that might fall into the river any minute.
For some pupils from exotic countries daily school route can be incredible adventure. For example, some Colombian school students every morning cross river Rio Negro on 400-meter zip line.
Russia, North
Large number of nomadic northern people live in Russia, whose settlements are scattered on huge territory of Tundra. To provide proper education for Reindeer Breeders’s children, the regional government of the Nenets Autonomous Area created special boarding school where helicopters deliver kids in August and they study there until New Year...
In March, on Monday 27, at 4:45 pm
Group A-2(1)
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